Why do some individuals discriminate against ethnic outgroups more than others in the political space? This article argues that variation in political prejudice against ethnic outgroups may be explained by a person’s language training in school. Specifically, individuals who received bilingual instruction should display less political discrimination against outgroup members than those who received monolingual instruction. By promoting the acquisition of a second language, bilingual education facilitates the cognitive development of perspective-taking ability, which in turn should foster more inclusive political attitudes. I find support for this argument through an investigation of an education reform in Malaysia, where affected Malay students experienced a mixture of English and mother tongue instruction while the rest were taught only in their native language. The evidence also points to the possibility of bilingual education as a compensatory avenue to narrow the perspective-taking ability gap between those who were raised in monolingual and bilingual families.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Information
Includes a detailed description of the case study, survey design and variable measurements, additional empirical tests and results