Globally, over 25 million children did not receive immunizations in 2022, a significant increase compared to 2019's rate of 3.7 million. Did COVID-19 have an impact on childhood vaccination rates? As we remain in the early hours of social media communications, the COVID-19 pandemic brought an unprecedented outbreak of misinformation. From the advent of COVID-19's spread, today, public health matters are finding their future uncertain in our House chambers and Senate floors. As of March 26, 2024, within the first three months of 2024, the number of measles cases (64) in the USA surpasses that of reported cases(58) in 2023 (CDC, 2024). Utilizing 2022 GSS data, our study find that attained level of education, income, and partisan identity affects parents' decision to vaccinate MMR their children. In our future work, we aim to explore various geosocial and sociodemographic attributes for MMR vaccine hesitancy.