The Graduate Placement Report details findings on political science placements for the 2017-2018 academic year. More candidates found first placements in contingent academic positions, indicating an alteration to the most desirable placement path. Those from top NRC-ranked institutions are more likely to first take a post-doc or full-time non-tenure track position. Having a PhD in-hand, rather than ABD, and beginning with full funding, led to higher placement rates. Women and minorities are opting out of academia in larger proportions, except for minorities in academic administration, but more are taking tenure-track first positions. On the other hand, men and non-URMs are taking post-docs and full-time non-tenure track positions as their first placement. In theory, these positions could allow newly placed graduates to increase their publications, grant applications, and works in progress before applying for and committing to both higher teaching loads and departmental and university service.